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Title :


Aether Visions: A Digital Dreamscape

Tools Used: Unity, ChatGPT, Visual Studio

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Dive into the digital depths where fantasy and reality blur. through a virtual space where surreal landscapes and ethereal entities beckon, offering a transcendent journey through artistry unbound by the physical realm.

Concept & Main Elements

The Concept:

Main Features of the Space

Main Features of the Space

Original Art Pieces- 3d Models showcased as posters

The Main Elements:

Taking inspiration from Surrealism  A vast desert that serves as a canvas to the imagination, a tribute to the surreal landscapes of Dalí and the essence of local cultures. It’s where the grandeur of large temple ruins and open-air spaces come together, dotted with various elements that draw a map of creativity and vision.​​​​​​​ 

The space draws on elements that work to explore


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Aether Visions:  Digital Dreamscape

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1- The Enchanted Foyer

 2-Staircase of Time  

3- Tea with the Ancients

4- Hyper Modern Cube

5- Breathing flower

Title :


Aether Visions: A Digital Dreamscape


Aether Visions

Tools Used: Unity, Blender,

A virtual space where fantasy and reality blur through a surreal landscape where ethereal entities stand tall providing a new way of experiencing art , offering a transcendent journey through artistry unbound by the physical realm.
Explore the space in VR where zones blend seamlessly, accompanied by dynamic soundscapes that react to your movement.

Continue scrolling to understand the break down of the space 

Concept & Main Elements

The Concept:

The central concept revolves around redefining the experience of art from mere observation to immersive engagement. This involves integrating art pieces into environments to create spaces where interaction, exploration, and communal gathering are encouraged.

Working with 3D art offers opportunities to convey diverse concepts and thoughts, aiming to move beyond traditional static art forms like posters. The goal is to provide viewers with a fresh perspective on art, allowing them to engage with it on a deeper level and gain insight into the artistic process through symbolic representation.
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Main Features of the Space

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Original Art Pieces- 3d Models showcased as posters

The Main Elements:

Taking inspiration from Surrealism  A vast desert that serves as a canvas to the imagination, a tribute to the surreal landscapes of Dalí and the essence of local cultures. It’s where the grandeur of large temple ruins and open-air spaces come together, dotted with various elements that draw a map of creativity and vision.​​​​​​​ 

The space draws on elements that work to explore

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Aether Visions:  Digital Dreamscape

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Collage showcasing the relationships between the various elements and digital art pieces being showcased within the space 

The Space Breakdown:

each zone within the digital gallery notes on a certain element that makes up the space all coming together in harmony but standing out on there own.
1- The Enchanted Foyer
 2-Staircase of Time  
3- Tea with the Ancients
4- Hyper Modern Cube
5- Breathing flower
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1- The Enchanted Foyer

  • Enchanted foyer taking inspiration from Large palm trees and parametric architecture used to frame the view and create a space for walking around the space.
  • The Palm interacts with the user framing the view while also providing spatial sounds adding another dimension to interaction 

Sources of Influence

  • a blend of natural elements and modern elements coming together creating a grand entrance 
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2- The Staircase of time

  • Surreal staircase that challenges reality acting as a mirage as something out of a dream scenario where hands hold up a staircase to a landing of a pocket watch. 
  • providing a different perspective to the overall space through the elevated while taking the user on a literal journey thorough time.
surreal staircase 2 .png

Sources of Influence

  • Elements challenging time and reality creating a surreal dreamscape
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surreal staircase axo.png

3- Tea with the Ancients

  • Taking inspiration from Alice in the wonderland and Arabic culture central to the desert environment. The space acts as a a space of gathering that taken be with other users surrounded by ancient roman sculptures that form central pieces in the art created.
  • The tea pot plays an upbeat Arabic inspired music piece produced by Bahaa Nasrallah specifically for this zone.

Sources of Influence

  • coming together in a non ordinary space, blending different cultures and times taking direct influence from alice in wonderland
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tea with ancients 2 .png
Concept & Main Elements
The Space Breakdown
Anchor 2
The Enchanted Foyer
The Staircase of Time
Tea with the ancients
Hyper Modern Cube

4- Hyper Modern Cube

  • Animated cube showcasing modernity and carrying a glowing hue complementing the existing
  • Due to optimization reasons I refrained from making floating model glow however moving forward it could be good to make objects glow

Sources of Influence

  • hyper modernity as it is represented in movies imagining hyper reality future.
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5- The Breathing flower

  • Taking inspiration from Alice in the wonderland and Arabic culture central to the desert environment. The space acts as a a space of gathering that taken be with other users surrounded by ancient roman sculptures that form central pieces in the art created.
  • The tea pot plays an upbeat Arabic inspired music piece produced by Bahaa Nasrallah specifically for this zone.
living flower again 2 copy.png

Sources of Influence

  • Taking inspiration from natural world and organic architecture creating an object that looks as that can be inhibited
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The Breathing Flower

Within the Space

Within the Space
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through the journey we encounter large Aetheral sculptures or beings encountering them in new ways the space provides different perspectives around the beings- placing central attention around the main creation in the middle that blends all of the concepts showcased.

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